MBHAIR Curling Iron

Analyzing hair good six tests

Many people say that society is more than speed than people, but in fact, than people in the community than to stress tolerance. Body mass to withstand the pressure of fatigue and survival, intellectuals withstand the pressure and the development of mental trauma. In many medical literature and current medical practice, a lot of evidence suggests that stress can directly or indirectly cause a variety of physical symptoms and diseases. When people's heart was heavy pressure or burden, the body's stress hormones will rise, causing increased hair oily, but too much fat is bound to affect the health of hair. Moreover, too heavy psychological pressure will consume the body of vitamin B, so that the hair is easy to white, or off. So what followed the test, take a look at your hair okay?

First, pull hair test:

Unplug the twelve hair, the hair root and hair and emissions together, compare the thickness, color and gloss.

Weight: If the hair root finer than hair,ShowLiss Pro Steam Curl Red which indicates that your hair is bad hair, from health to become unhealthy.

Color: If you exclude the hair of factors, whether your roots have an unhealthy color than before? For example, the original black to brown or light brown? If so, this indicates that your hair melanin granules are slowly reduced. This may be your long-term diet, mental state, taking many factors of drugs, health and so on, for a long time, the hair will be very easy to bifurcation, or becomes frizzy easy to take care.

Luster: whether your hair root is also not worth the hair shiny? If so, this means that your hair reached a very bad state, the degree of hair damage is not only a bare dry, nutrition and metabolism of the scalp is also a problem.

Second, the flour test:

In a dish pour a little flour, the above test used in the flour that hair pulled. If this hair band played a lot of flour, it means that your hair has been damaged or unhealthy; after a relatively clean, if the hair is pulled out, it means that your hair is healthy.

Third, yanked hair test:

Still used by the above test things that hair, hair roots with one hand and hold the thumb and index finger, the other hand to pull the hair from the hair root Meng Wang, if your hair is healthy, it will curl very uniform. Conversely, if your hair is curly unevenly, or in two circles separated by a period of curl straight hair, which indicates the robustness of your hair is not ideal.

Fourth, water test:

Will become curled hair into the water. Healthy hair will soon change back to its original shape. It is very dynamic change quickly! Thus, you can tell her hair elastic. Although the elastic bad hair also has the ability to change back to their original state, but it changes relatively less active.

Fifth, the Aura test:

Standing on a sunny place or a lamp under strong light, for a mirror to observe their own hair, if there is a clear halo around the head of the front part of the hair, then your hair is healthy, but the aura is not obvious or not Aura then your hair did not meet state health standards. At least, it has turned the hair cuticle smooth the Alice does not. Because all healthy hair, the cuticle it is tile-like rows of scales, so the hair can reflect light to the same direction and angle, making the hair look shiny; and warped messy hair cuticle will light is reflected to different directions and angles, the result is no longer shiny shiny hair.

Six Finger test:

With one hand thumb and forefinger and a lock of hair of the hair, with the other hand between the thumb and index finger down the hair root to the tips of the hair slippery. Then turn to the hair root slip from the hair with the thumb and forefinger; repeat this action 3-4 times, focus on the degree of hair feel smooth. While slip from the hair to the hair root, is sliding against the direction of hair growth and hair cuticle, and from the hair root to the sliding direction along the hair cuticle hair growth, but if you have healthy hair, Every time you slip, either along the slippery, or the opposite of the slide, the difference should not be large. Only if the hair cuticle uneven situation, along with the anti-slip degree with a smooth slide will have a significant difference can be felt.(Professional Nano Titanium Hair Straightener Blue)

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